
experiencing 9.11 as a new yorker.

when i moved to nyc, i realized quickly i'd be living in the city for the 10th anniversary of 9.11.  i felt a bit lucky to experience that when it finally came around this past sunday. i had told myself i would just lay low, and not ride the subways or anything in order to play it safe, but i had to work! i work in rockefeller plaza so i figured it would be different on 9.11.  usually filled with tourists on the weekends, sunday morning at rockefeller plaza was empty aside from a few tourists and a lot of NYPD officers.  

a few days before, i was offered tickets to the Mets vs. Chicago Cubs game on 9.11--SO excited.  we got to Citi Field in plenty of time to eat and get seated for the special 9.11 ceremony.  back in 2001, the NY Mets were the first NY sports team to play a game in NY after the attacks so, this was a special night for them.  i can't put into words how special it was to be there for the game and ceremony.  they had the children of 9.11 bring out a flag the size of the entire outfield (seriously) and then had all of the "first responders" outline the field.  tears? YES. goosebumps? ABSOLUTELY. boy did it feel great to be not only an American, but a New Yorker.  Marc Anthony sang the national anthem (!) just like he did 10 years ago at the Mets game.

unfortunately, they lost.  but it's a memory i won't soon forget!

we will never forget. 9.11.01.

great seats.

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