
the world of subletting

On Sunday, Hannah and I moved into our second sublet in 3 weeks.  The first was a studio in Midtown East with one big room, a separate kitchen and separate bathroom.  It had great views of the midtown skyscrapers and was just big enough to fit our suitcases.  I lived on a fold-out sofa bed for those three weeks with a great metal bar digging into my spine.  For anyone who has seen Seinfeld, I felt like Elaine on the Florida trip she and Jerry take to see his parents.
My lovely bed/sofa for 3 weeks.  It became the landing pad
for everything, including me.
When we moved to our second sublet, it was refreshing to find a real bed to give my back a rest.  Our current sublet is one block from Central Park, about two blocks from the bustling Columbus Circle and is in Midtown West.  It is also a studio but about 1/2 the size of our first.  We have yet to find a place to open our suitcases, much less unpack them.  Luckily, this tiny studio does provide us with plenty of entertainment.  

So far, we have debated on whether or not to submit this apartment to A&E's Hoarders and we've counted 16 mirrors and 13 masks hangings in about a 300sq. foot studio.  Let's just say, we aren't alone in this studio; the masks keep us company.
Our hallway--always single file and sometimes we 
just "slide" through.
The kitchen that does actually work, unlike our
first sublet.
This would be the living room, bedroom, dining room and music 
room, all piled into one mirrored and masked studio.
Just a few of the masks and mirrors this tiny
apartment holds.
An overview of our home for six days--can you count all the
mirrors and frames?
Coincidentally, I was watching my favorite New York show, Friends, and saw that Monica has 2 gold masks hanging on a wall in her apartment.  Is this how New Yorker's really live?

Needless to say, New York City has been very interesting so far, if not for the city itself, but for the accommodations.  We are so thrilled that March 1st is very near so we can move into our REAL 2 bedroom with a living room and no masks--we promise.

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